Topics of the event included:
- biomonitors in drinking water monitoring in Hessen
- implemenation of physical and optical sensors for water monitoring
- algae cell proliferation
- benthic algae communities - a river study
- cyanobacteria in river water
There were guests from Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, UK.
We also had our traditional barbecue evening at the Westensee in Felde on Wednesday evening.
If you could not make it 2010, we hope to see you in 2012.
List of Presentations
Please feel free to download a presentation from the list below.
- Baganz, D. and Staaks, G. Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries DE - Fish 'n' Chips. First results in E health management of aquaculture.
- Bauer, C. University of Kiel, DE - Fish Inline Monitoring System (FILM) for Flatfish.
- Boehme, T. 4HJena Engineering, DE - AquaControl.
- Carpentier, C. Environmental Institute NL - Data Evaluation (Daphnia Toximeter).
- Carpentier, C. Environmental Institute NL - Source of Variability (BenthoFluor).
- Dalhaus, H. bbe Moldaenke - A New Approach Chlorophyll Determination (BenthoTorch).
- Di Giancinto, F. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, I - Real-Time Surveillance of Drinking Water (Daphnia Toximeter).
- Ellwood, N and Whitton, B. Univeristà degli Studi Roma Tre - Activity of Mosses, Algae and Cyanobacteria as Monitoring Tools.
- Gründel, A. Hessian Agency for the Environment and Geology - Phytoplankton in Hessen.
- Dr Kalaji, H.PL - Chlorophyll-a Fluoroescence. A Useful Tool for Research.
- Dr. Lorenz, M. SAG, DE - German Culture Collection of Algae in Göttingen.
- Lüring, C. bbe Moldaenke - Low Probability and Great Potential. Statistical comments on biomonitoring.
- Luering Votes 1
- Luering Votes 3
- Luering bbe
- Mackowiak, A. bbe Moldaenke - Benthic Measurements and Reflections (Bentho Torch).
- Möß, F. bbe Moldaenke - Ingredients for Algae Cultures.
- Moldaenke, C. bbe Moldaenke - Recommendation of FP for Dutch Bathing Water Monitoring Programmes.
- Moldaenke, C. bbe Moldaenke - The DaphTox II. A new biomonitoring instrument.
- Orlamünder, S. 4H jena Engineering, DE - The 4H Jena FerryBox.
- Pankratz, C. Investment Bank Schleswig-Holstein, DE - EU-Funding Possibilities for Aquatic Projects.
- Schumann, K und Tyler, S. ajBlomesystem, DE - Developments in Dynamic, Continuous and Automated Water Quality Monitoring.
- Wagner, M. TZW Dresden, DE - Fluorescence as a Tool for the Characterisation of Water.