Next Events

Conferences, Exhibitions & Seminars

bbe takes part in conferences and contributes with lectures and posters to the scientific program. Beside this bbe organizes workshops in cooperation with international partners and exhibits on meetings and trade fairs. There will be always the opportunity to meet and to discuss your applications, results and methods with bbe staff.

Currently there are no events planned.

Past Events

Conferences, Exhibitions & Seminars

Below is an archive of past events in which the bbe participated.


Achema 2024

10.06.2024–14.06.2024 | Frankfurt (am Main) – We are thrilled to announce our presence at the ACHEMA Fair in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 10 to 14, 2024. Discover the future of environmental technology, network with...

Mar. - Feb.

Webinar: Monitoring Algae in South African Water Resources

14.03.2024 | bbe Web-Meeting – Registration Link South African surface waters are becoming increasingly and dangerously polluted by inadequately treated wastewater eAluents. Harmful algal blooms of...


Workshop Tour in the USA

02.11.2023–16.11.2023 | several locations in USA – BBE will host several workshops in the area of the United States in November: 02. + 3.  November  ->2 day workshop USGS Virginia (Richmond) 06. November  ...


20. Fachsymposium Gebäudetechnik + Hygiene / 20th Technical Symposium Building Technology + Hygiene

05.10.2023–06.10.2023 | Bad Brückenau, Germany – Dem DFLW e.V.  ist es gelungen für das Fachsymposium „Gebäudetechnik und Hygiene“ wieder namhafte Referenten aus den Bereichen der Trinkwasser- und Raumlufthygiene...


38. DGL- Jahrestagung / Annual Meeting 2023

18.09.2023–22.09.2023 | Universität zu Köln / University to Cologne – Das Tagungsmotto „Bedrohte Biodiversität unserer Gewässer – Gefahren und Strategien“ ist und bleibt aktueller denn je. Fast überall auf der Erde hat der Mensch die...


8th European Phycological Congress

20.08.2023–26.08.2023 | Brest, France – 8th European Phycological Congress: “Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution”. France has a long and proud tradition of phycological research and has a very...


IFAT Eurasia

27.04.2023–29.04.2023 | TÜYAP Istanbul Fair Center (Beylikdüzü) – Tesla Ölçü Kontol Sistemleri ve Çevre Teknolojileri Ltd., bbe distributor in Turkey, will be happy to welcome you, esteemed guests, at their booth at IFAT Eurasia 2023...


36th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL100)

07.08.2022–10.08.2022 | Berlin, Germany – Founded in 1922 the International Society of Limnology (SIL), established the science of inland waters, encompassing lakes and ponds, streams and rivers, surface and ground...

May - June

IFAT 2022

30.05.2022–03.06.2022 | Munich, Gernany – The world’s leading trade fair for environmental technologies. Being the largest platform for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management, IFAT gathers the industry...


12th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria

22.05.2022–27.05.2022 | University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA – The City of Toledo and the local organizing committee welcome you to ICTC 12 to be held at University of Toledo!  This rendition of ICTC will be a joint effort with the...